Best Disability Insurance Companies for Attorneys When you think of someone who needs a disability income insurance policy, you may think of someone with a physically demanding job or someone who needs help making ends meet. You probably don’t think of a lawyer. But lawyers need disability insurance just as much as — if not […]
How Much Does Disability Insurance Cost? Disability income insurance is different from all other types of insurance. The cost of your car insurance is based on how many years you’ve been driving (your age), the value of your car, your driving history and a few other factors. The cost for disability income insurance is based […]
COVID-19 Resources and Information The COVID-19 virus is changing the way we do business. Social distancing is resulting in a temporary hiatus from face-to-face meetings, closing offices and working remotely. Luckily, tech advances such as video conferencing and cloud-based services are making business possible. While our business is operating as usual, our physical office is […]